These Robot Operating Terms of Service (the “Robot Operating Terms”) set forth:

  • your rights to install and use IntrinsicOS;  
  • your obligations to test, monitor, and ensure the safe operation of robotic hardware running Your Solutions; and
  • your rights and obligations with regards to the deployment of Your Solutions to End Customers.

The Robot Operating Terms are Additional Terms under the Intrinsic Platform Terms of Service and are part of the binding agreement between you and Intrinsic. Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in these Robot Operating Terms have the meanings set forth in the Platform Terms.

For information about how we collect, use, share and otherwise process personal information, please see our Privacy Policy.

1. License to IntrinsicOS.

Subject to your compliance with the Terms, Intrinsic grants you a nonexclusive, limited, nontransferable, nonsublicensable (except as permitted below to End Customers) license to install and use IntrinsicOS on the number of machines specified in your Order Form. You may only install or have installed IntrinsicOS on robotics hardware or other computing equipment that is approved for use with IntrinsicOS in the Documentation, and is owned and controlled by you or your End Customer, as specified in an Order Form.

2. Testing & Evaluation Licenses.

Your Order Form may limit you to only install IntrinsicOS for use in Testing and Evaluation of Your Solutions. “Testing and Evaluation” means a robotic deployment that is used exclusively for testing and troubleshooting Your Solution and is not used in connection with processing, manipulating, or creating products or contributing to your or your End Customer’s commercial operations.

3. Your Equipment.

Any robotics and other computing equipment on which you or your End Customers install IntrinsicOS is “Your Equipment”. As between you and Intrinsic, you are solely responsible for ensuring the proper operation of Your Equipment. You will ensure that Your Equipment meets all requirements stated in the Documentation.

4. Your Safety Obligations.

You will develop, implement and maintain appropriate written policies or procedures to prevent harm to any individual or property by Your Equipment or Your Solutions. You will ensure that, at a minimum, you: 

(a) detect and address foreseeable risks of injury or damage that may arise from use of Your Equipment or Your Solutions, including testing Your Solution at key points with Your Equipment; 

(b) detect and respond to malfunctions, outages, erratic behavior, or any security or safety incidents (each an “Incident”) arising from use of Your Solutions on Your Equipment; 

(c) regularly assess, update, and revise your policies and procedures as necessary, including in light of changes to the operating environment, Your Equipment, or Your Solutions, in response to any Incidents; 

(d) ensure that any third parties interacting with or in the vicinity of Your Equipment are adequately informed of its operation and any associated risks; and 

(e) ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed to access and use Your Equipment and Your Solutions. 

You must provide adequate training to any personnel who will use Your Equipment and Your Solutions and periodically assess compliance with your policies and procedures.

5. High-Risk Environments and Systems.

You acknowledge that IntrinsicOS and Your Solution are not designed or intended for use in connection with high-risk environments or systems. Accordingly, you may not, and will ensure End Customers do not, use IntrinsicOS in connection with nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control systems, weapons systems or any other systems or environments that carry heightened risks of death, personal injury, environmental damage, or property or financial loss.

6. Connectivity.

At least once per month, you must permit Your Equipment to communicate with Intrinsic’s Platform Services (“Check-in”). We use Check-ins to determine whether IntrinsicOS and Your Solutions installed on Your Equipment remain up to date, to confirm your Membership Level and other account details and to otherwise confirm compliance with the Terms. It is your responsibility to ensure that Your Equipment has the necessary internet access to perform Check-ins. Intrinsic may suspend access or use of Services to or on Your Equipment or the Services may otherwise cease to operate on or with Your Equipment if Your Equipment has not successfully performed a Check-in.

7. Critical Updates

Intrinsic will provide you with advance notice of updates to IntrinsicOS. In the event that Intrinsic releases a Critical Update, you agree to install or have installed such Critical Updates on Your Equipment within 15 days (the “Critical Update Window”). In the event that you fail to update Your Equipment within the Critical Update Window, Intrinsic may, at its option a) suspend your access to IntrinsicOS and the Services until the Critical Update is implemented, or b) unilaterally push the Critical Update to Your Equipment. "Critical Updates" are defined as any updates, patches, or modifications to IntrinsicOS or the Services that (a) address security vulnerabilities or exploits that could potentially compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of IntrinsicOS. Your Solutions, your Content, or System Data ; (b) address risks to human injury or damage to property; (c) rectify errors in the Services that cause significant system instability, crashes, or data corruption; or (d) are otherwise designated as critical by Intrinsic for the continued operation and security of the Services.

8. End Customer Contracts.

Prior to an End Customer accessing or using IntrinsicOS or any of Your Equipment, you will ensure such End Customer is bound by a written agreement (“End Customer Contract”). 

8.1 Contracting Party. End Customer Contracts will clearly state that the contractual relationship regarding End Customer’s use of your products and services that incorporate or allow access to the Services is solely between Customer and End Customer, and not Intrinsic. End Customer Contracts may not contain any obligations for Intrinsic directly towards the End Customer, and may not grant End Customer any rights it may enforce directly against Intrinsic. 

8.2 Consistency with the Terms. End Customer Contracts will be consistent with and not be less protective of Intrinsic than the Terms. End Customer Contracts may not contain provisions (i) that limit or exclude Intrinsic’s rights set forth in the Terms, (ii) that grant End Customers rights to the Services that go beyond what you are allowed to grant to End Customers according to the Terms, or (iii) that make any commitment, representation or warranty on behalf of Intrinsic.

8.3 Support and Warranties. End Customer Contracts will be explicit you are solely responsible for (a) providing any maintenance and support to the End Customer with respect to their use of Your Equipment or Your Solutions, not Intrinsic; and (b) any product warranties related to Your Equipment and Your Solutions, whether express or implied by law, to the extent not effectively disclaimed. 

8.4 Other Minimum Requirements. In addition, End Customer Contracts will contain the minimum requirements set forth in Section 9. You will monitor and ensure your  End Customers’ compliance with these minimum requirements, and notify us if you become aware of your End Customers’ non-compliance with these minimum requirements. 

9. Minimum Requirements for End Customer Contracts.

9.1 End Customer agrees to comply with Intrinsic’s Acceptable Use Policy.

9.2 End Customer agrees not to use IntrinsicOS in High Risk Environments or Systems set forth in Section 5.

9.3 End Customer agrees to allow the installation of updates as outlined in Section 7.

9.4 End Customer acknowledges Intrinsic’s right to suspend your and End Customer’s access to the Services, as permitted by the Terms. 

9.5 To the extent required to comply with Applicable Law, and as necessary to use Your Equipment and Your Solutions, End Customer agrees to allow you and Intrinsic to process (a) End Customer personal information in accordance with Intrinsic’s Privacy Policy, and (b) Systems Data related to Your Equipment and Your Solutions.

9.7 End Customer agrees that Intrinsic is not a party to the agreement between you and the End Customer, and that you, not Intrinsic, are solely responsible for any claims of the End Customer or any other third party relating to Your Equipment or Your Solutions.

9.8 End Customer agrees to comply with all Export Control Laws, including (i) to deny and prevent access to Services from any location prohibited by or subject to sanctions or license requirements according to Export Control Laws; (ii) to not authorize individuals to access the Services that are designated on any sanctioned party lists, and to continuously check any Authorized Users against such sanctioned party lists.